
How Many Chemicals Are In My Makeup

Cosmetics are not a modern invention. Humans have used various substances to alter their appearance or accentuate their features for at to the lowest degree 10,000 years, and possibly a lot longer.

Women in Aboriginal Egypt used kohl, a substance containing powdered galena (atomic number 82 sulphide—PbS) to darken their eyelids, and Cleopatra is said to have bathed in milk to whiten and soften her pare. By 3000 B.C men and women in China had begun to stain their fingernails with colours according to their social grade, while Greek women used poisonous lead carbonate (PbCOiii) to achieve a pale complexion. Clays were basis into pastes for corrective use in traditional African societies and indigenous Australians nevertheless use a wide range of crushed rocks and minerals to create body pigment for ceremonies and initiations.

Today, cosmetics are big business concern. According to the 2011 Household Expenditure Survey, conducted every five years by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australians spend around $4.5 billion on toiletries and corrective products every year. Cosmetic advertising, previously directed mainly at women, is now targeting a wider audience than always.

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What is a cosmetic?

In Commonwealth of australia, a cosmetic is defined under the Industrial Chemical (Notification and Assessment) Deed 1989 as 'a substance or preparation intended for placement in contact with any external role of the human trunk' (this includes the rima oris and teeth). We use cosmetics to cleanse, perfume, protect and change the appearance of our bodies or to modify its odours. In contrast, products that claim to 'modify a bodily process or prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate whatever disease, ailment or defect' are called therapeutics. This distinction ways that shampoos and deodorants are placed in the cosmetics category, whilst anti-dandruff shampoos and antiperspirants are considered to be therapeutics.

Regulation and safety

In Australia, the importation, industry and employ of chemicals—including those used in cosmetics—are regulated by the Australian Government's National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS). NICNAS works to ensure that chemicals used in consumer products do non cause significant harm to users or to the environment.

In the case of cosmetics, every ingredient contained inside the product must be scientifically assessed and approved by NICNAS before existence manufactured or imported into Commonwealth of australia and before they can be used in consumer products. Where appropriate, NICNAS sets limits on the level at which a chemical can be used in a production and likewise conducts reviews on chemicals when new evidence arises.

Cosmetic products that make an additional therapeutic claim (such as moisturisers that also lighten the pare) are regulated by a dissimilar organisation—the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Cosmetics and other personal care items must besides be labelled in accordance with the Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information Standards, Cosmetics) Regulations 1991. This regulation requires that all intentionally added ingredients are listed on the production label, and is enforced past the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

A range of beauty products
Makeup, shampoo, sunscreen and more—there are enough of cosmetic products that we regularly employ. Image source: Rachel / Flickr.

What practice cosmetics contain?

There are thousands of unlike cosmetic products on the market, all with differing combinations of ingredients. In the United States alone at that place are approximately 12,500 unique chemical ingredients approved for utilise in the industry of personal care products.

A typical product will comprise anything from 15–l ingredients. Because the average woman uses between 9 and xv personal intendance products per day, researchers have estimated that, when combined with the addition of perfumes, women identify around 515 private chemicals on their pare each day through cosmetic apply.

But what exactly are we putting on our skin? What do those long names on the ingredient list mean and what do they practise? While the formula of each product differs slightly, virtually cosmetics comprise a combination of at to the lowest degree some of the following cadre ingredients: water, emulsifier, preservative, thickener, emollient, color, fragrance and pH stabilisers.


If your production comes in a bottle, chances are the first ingredient on the list is going to be water. That's right, proficient one-time H2O. H2o forms the footing of almost every type of cosmetic production, including creams, lotions, makeup, deodorants, shampoos and conditioners. H2o plays an important part in the process, often acting as a solvent to dissolve other ingredients and forming emulsions for consistency.

Water used in the formulation of cosmetics is not your everyday, regular tap water. It must exist 'ultra-pure'—that is, free from microbes, toxins and other pollutants. For this reason your label may refer to it as distilled h2o, purified h2o or only aqua.


The term emulsifiers refers to any ingredient that helps to keep unlike substances (such as oil and water) from separating. Many cosmetic products are based on emulsions—modest droplets of oil dispersed in water or small aerosol of water dispersed in oil. Since oil and h2o don't mix no matter how much you shake, blend or stir, emulsifiers are added to alter the surface tension between the water and the oil, producing a homogeneous and well-mixed product with an fifty-fifty texture. Examples of emulsifiers used in cosmetics include polysorbates, laureth-4, and potassium cetyl sulfate.

Moisturising cream
Emulsifiers are used in creams and lotions to give them an even texture. Image source: Isabelle / Flickr.


Preservatives are important ingredients. They are added to cosmetics to extend their shelf life and foreclose the growth of microorganisms such every bit leaner and fungi, which can spoil the production and possibly harm the user. Since about microbes live in water, the preservatives used need to exist water-soluble, and this helps to determine which ones are used. Preservatives used in cosmetics tin be natural or synthetic (man-made), and perform differently depending on the formulation of the production. Some volition require low levels of around 0.01%, while other will crave levels every bit high every bit v%.

Some of the more than pop preservatives include parabens, benzyl alcohol, salicylic acid, formaldehyde and tetrasodium EDTA  (ethylenediaminetetra-acerb acrid).

Consumers who purchase 'preservative-free' products should be aware of their shorter shelf life and be conscious of any changes to the look, experience or odour of the product that may indicate it has gone off.


Thickening agents work to give products an appealing consistency. They can come up from four different chemical families:

Lipid thickeners are usually solid at room temperature but can be liquefied and added to cosmetic emulsions. They work by imparting their natural thickness to the formula. Examples include cetyl alcohol, stearic acid and carnauba wax.

Naturally derived thickeners come, every bit the proper name suggests, from nature. They are polymers that absorb water, causing them to smashing up and increase the viscosity of a product. Examples include hydroxyethyl cellulose, guar gum, xanthan gum and gelatin. Cosmetics with a consistency that is too thick can be diluted with solvents such equally water or booze.

Mineral thickeners are also natural, and as with the naturally derived thickeners mentioned higher up, they absorb water and oils to increase viscosity, but give a different consequence to the last emulsion than the gums. Popular mineral thickeners include magnesium aluminium silicate, silica and bentonite.

The final grouping are the synthetic thickeners. They are often used in balm and cream products. The near common constructed thickener is carbomer, an acrylic acid polymer that is water-swellable and tin can be used to form clear gels. Other examples include cetyl palmitate, and ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate.


Emollients soften the pare by preventing water loss. They are used in a wide range of lipsticks, lotions and cosmetics. A number of different natural and synthetic chemicals work every bit emollients, including beeswax, olive oil, coconut oil and lanolin, every bit well equally petrolatum (petroleum jelly), mineral oil, glycerine, zinc oxide, butyl stearate and diglycol laurate.

Emollients help to forbid h2o loss. Beeswax tin can be used equally an emollient, as tin can many other natural and artificial chemicals. Epitome source: Kit / Flickr.

Colouring agents/pigments

Ruby lips, smoky optics and rosy cheeks; it is the purpose of many cosmetics to accentuate or alter a person's natural colouring. A huge range of substances are used to provide the rainbow of highly-seasoned colours you find in the makeup stand. Mineral ingredients tin can include iron oxide, mica flakes, manganese, chromium oxide and coal tar. Natural colours can come from plants, such as beet powder, or from animals, like the cochineal insect. The latter is often used in red lipsticks and referred to on your ingredient list as scarlet, cochineal extract or natural ruby-red 4.

Pigments can exist dissever into two main categories: organic, which are carbon-based molecules (i.e. organic in the chemistry context, non to exist confused with the use of the discussion to promote 'natural' or 'not-synthetic' or 'chemic-free' products) and inorganic which are generally metal oxides (metal + oxygen and oftentimes some other elements too). Inorganic should non be confused with 'synthetic' or 'unnatural' as most of the inorganic metal oxide pigments practice occur naturally as mineral compounds.

The two near common organic pigments are lakes and toners.  The lake pigments are made by combining a dye colour with an insoluble substance like alumina hydrate. This causes the dye to get insoluble in water, making information technology suitable for cosmetics where water-resistant or waterproof properties are desired.

A toner pigment is an organic paint that has not been combined with whatsoever other substance.

The inorganic metal oxide pigments are commonly duller than the organic pigments, but are more resistant to heat and calorie-free, providing a longer-lasting colour.

Makeup pigments
Colouring agents and pigments give cosmetics their colours. Image source: Melanie Levi / Flickr.

Glimmer and polish

Shimmering effects can be created via a range of materials. Some of the nigh common ones are mica and bismuth oxychloride.

Cosmetic mica typically comes from muscovite (KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2) likewise known as white mica. It naturally forms in flaky sheets and these are crushed up into fine powders. The tiny particles in the powders refract (bend) light, which creates the shimmering effect common in many cosmetics. Mica coated with titanium dioxide gives a whitish appearance when looked at straight on, but then produces a range of iridescent colours when viewed from an angle.

Bismuth oxychloride (BiClO) is used to create a silver grey pearly effect. This chemical compound occurs naturally in the rare mineral bismoclite, but is commonly produced synthetically and so is also known every bit synthetic pearl.

The size of the particles used to create pearly and shimmering looks affect the caste of glimmer the product has. The smaller the particle size (15–sixty microns, where one micron is i millionth of a meter), the less lustrous the powder will exist, and more coverage it gives. Larger particle sizes, upward to 500 microns, give a more glittery lustre and are more transparent.


No thing how effective a corrective may exist, no i will want to use it if information technology smells unpleasant. Consumer inquiry indicates that smell is 1 of the key factors in a consumer's decision to purchase and/or use a product.

Chemicals, both natural and constructed, are added to cosmetics to provide an appealing fragrance. Even 'unscented' products may contain masking fragrances to mask the smell of other chemicals.

The term 'fragrance' is oftentimes a generic term used by manufacturers. A single list of fragrance on your product's ingredient list could represent dozens or even hundreds of unlisted chemical compounds which were used to create the terminal individual fragrance.

Manufacturers do not accept to list these private ingredients as fragrance is considered to be a trade hugger-mugger .

There are over three,000 chemicals used to formulate the huge range of fragrances used in consumer products worldwide. A comprehensive listing has been published by the fragrance industry. All the ingredients on this list have passed the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) safety standards for use in commercial products. However, without knowing which individual ingredients went in to making upwards the fragrance of a product, consumers tin notice information technology hard to make informed choices. If consumers are concerned they should look for fragrance gratuitous products and buy from companies that label their products more comprehensively.

Fragrances aren't just used in perfumes. They're besides in creams, lotions and even in food, to requite an appealing aroma. Image source: Kevin Jaako / Flickr.

Are cosmetics dangerous?

At that place's nothing like a flake of controversy to generate some media buzz. For over a decade there take been recurring reports in both the media and on hundreds of internet sites relating to potentially toxic substances nowadays in cosmetics (lead, mercury, parabens) and the dangers they pose to the public. Should consumers be worried? Are these claims backed up past reputable, published scientific inquiry or take the findings been misinterpreted and exaggerated? Allow's take a expect …


Parabens are a class of chemicals commonly used as preservatives in nutrient, therapeutic and cosmetic products. They are derived from para-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA), which occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Parabens come in several forms: methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben and isobutylparaben. They are the most widely used preservative in personal care products. This is because they are incredibly good at doing their task—keeping your products mould and bacteria complimentary—and are too price constructive.

The use of parabens in cosmetics hit the media in 2004 after a inquiry written report conducted by Dr. Philippa Darbre of the Academy of Reading in England reported findings that xviii out of 20 breast cancer tissue samples independent parabens. As parabens can weakly mimic the actions of oestrogen, and as oestrogen tin can enhance tumour growth, this was thought to be a trouble. The presence of parabens in breast tumours was picked upward past the media and presented equally evidence that parabens contribute to breast cancer. This was incorrect.

While the presence of parabens is notable, the study found no straight evidence that they had caused the cancer or contributed to its growth. Breast tumours accept a large blood supply, and so information technology is likely that any chemical constitute in the blood stream will be nowadays in the tumour.

In a later statement to the media, Dr. Darbre, referring to her 2004 report, said 'No claim was fabricated that the presence of parabens has caused the breast cancers.'

There accept since been dozens of studies undertaken around the world on the safety of parabens, which time and once again have exhaustively demonstrated that parabens are broken downwardly, metabolised and excreted harmlessly from the body.

Currently, both in Commonwealth of australia and internationally, the science community consider the use of parabens in cosmetics to be safe.

In response to consumer demand, some companies have begun to manufacture paraben free products, which consumers can purchase if they are concerned.


Concerns regarding cancer are also linked to the utilize of aluminium in deodorants and anti-perspirants. In the early on 2000s various news outlets reported apparent links betwixt the use of antiperspirants containing aluminium and breast cancer. Like reports connected the apply of such products to the onset of Alzheimer'south disease. These supposed links take never been scientifically proven despite multiple studies.

Aluminium works to cake the sweat ducts to reduce sweating. Some argue that this process prevents united states from releasing toxins, causing them to build up within our lymph glands. Nonetheless, breast cancer tumours do not originate in the lymph nodes, they start in the breast, and travel to the lymph nodes later. Another study found no difference in the concentration of aluminium between the cancer and the surrounding tissue.

Currently there is no clear link between the use of under-arm products containing aluminium and chest cancer.

Likewise, studies have shown no relationship between Alzheimer's disease and deodorant/antiperspirant employ. Every twenty-four hour period, humans are exposed to aluminium through food, packaging, pots and pans, medicine and fifty-fifty air and h2o. The official position of both the Alzheimer'southward Lodge (US) and Alzheimer's Commonwealth of australia is that a link betwixt environmental aluminium absorption and Alzheimer'south disease seems 'increasingly unlikely'.

Despite these findings, some manufacturers have begun producing aluminium-free products for consumers who still concord concerns.


Triclosan was originally developed as an anti-bacterial agent for use in hospitals, primarily as a surgical scrub. Notwithstanding its usefulness has seen it increasingly added to a broad range of consumer products including deodorant, lather, toothpaste, cosmetics and full general house-hold cleaning products. Triclosan is also used as a pesticide and tin, under certain circumstances, break down into potentially toxic chemicals such as dioxins.

Triclosan hit the news in 2000 after findings published by the National Academy of Sciences (Usa) noted rising levels of the chemical beingness detected in the environment and its increasingly broad use in everyday products as concerns.

Studies conducted past scientists at the University of California found that prolonged exposure to triclosan causes liver fibrosis and cancer in laboratory mice. Other studies have suggested triclosan can disrupt hormones, impair musculus contraction and reduce bacterial resistance.

Whilst the over-use of triclosan in products warrants further written report, Australian experts have highlighted its value and importance when used correctly and in moderation. Professor of Dental Scientific discipline at the University of Queensland, Dr. Laurie Walsh, noted that the chemical has been proven to fight diverse weather such as gingivitis, inflammation and bleeding gums.

In Australia, a full risk assessment conducted by NICNAS found no cause for public business organization in general, though did recommend controls for maximum concentrations of triclosan (0.iii%) in personal care and cosmetic products. Now, cosmetic products containing more than 0.three% triclosan must conspicuously carry the word 'poison' on the label—not the best marketing strategy for producers.

The American Nutrient and Drug Administration (FDA) is planning to release an updated written report on Triclosan in 2016, though in the acting consumers may look for triclosan-free products if they wish.

Triclosan is an anti-bacterial amanuensis, found in a range of products such as soap. Image source: Kathea Pinto / Flickr.


Formaldehyde is an organic compound with a wide variety of uses. Although normally associated with embalming, information technology is also used in the industry of building materials, textiles, household cleaning products, plastics, cosmetics and personal care products. Information technology also occurs naturally in a wide range of foods, for instance the humble egg.

Formaldehyde is non typically used in its pure form, but altered slightly and listed under the name formalin. It works equally a preservative to protect products from contamination.

Formaldehyde is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen (known to cause cancer in humans) by the World Health Organization International Bureau for Research on Cancer. It can also cause pare and sensory irritation and breathing difficulties in people when inhaled, ingested or if it comes into contact with skin. So why is information technology still used in everyday products?

As with other chemicals, information technology is the concentration present in a product that is important. NICNAS has assessed formaldehyde and set maximum condom limits for its use in cosmetics. Oral products such as toothpastes may only contain up to 0.1 percentage formaldehyde, while nail hardeners can accept up to five percent. All other cosmetic products (such every bit shampoos and straightening solutions) can take up to 0.2 percent. At these low levels, the utilise of formaldehyde is deemed to be safe.

NICNAS has noted that people with particularly sensitive peel may yet experience irritation even at these low concentrations.

In 2010, the Australian Competition and Consumer Committee (ACCC) conducted a survey of the formaldehyde concentrations of several cosmetic products that resulted in the voluntary call up of two products that contained unacceptably loftier concentrations of the chemical.


Phthalates (pronounced THAL-ates) are some other group of chemicals found in some cosmetics that have been ruddy-flagged by ecology groups. They are generally used to brand plastic products soft and flexible but can as well be found in cosmetics like blast polish, hair spray (to make the products less brittle or stiff) and perfumes.

Phthalates are produced from oil and there are more than 20 types in mutual utilize. Every bit the diverse phthalates have different chemical structures, toxicity profiles and uses, their condom should not exist generalised every bit a grouping, but looked at on an individual basis. Some studies have indicated that at loftier, recurring concentrations different phthalates can act as endocrine disruptors—this means they upset the hormonal balance in the body and tin can lead to developmental problems, particularly in males. Other studies have indicated in that location may be a link between phthalates and blazon ii diabetes.

In response, the European Matrimony and the United States accept imposed bans on some types of phthalates for use in cosmetics. Research conducted in Australia has identified a small level of take a chance in relation to one phthalate, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate or DEHP, and as a event NICNAS has prohibited products that contain DEHP above the prescribed level—this generally relates to children'southward toys.

Lead in your lipstick?

News reports detailing levels of pb and other metals in lipsticks are persistent and recurring, but should consumers be worried? A 2013 study by the University of California Berkley examined the metallic content of 32 different lipsticks. Researchers found traces of aluminium, manganese (which can crusade neurological problems) and titanium in all the products they tested, while 3-quarters of the products contained lead (which affects the nervous system, and tin cause learning disabilities in children). Many of the lipsticks and lip glosses likewise contained nickel and cobalt, also equally cadmium and chromium—both known carcinogens.

Why would manufacturers add these ingredients to their products? The answer is—they don't. They exist in the products equally 'impurities', that is, they are present in other ingredients such as the wax, oils or the mineral pigments used in the formula. Because of the persistent nature of these substances and the fact they occur in the natural environment, including in water, it is virtually impossible to remove all traces of them.

Nonetheless don't throw your lippy away just all the same. The presence of these naturally-occurring elements in lipsticks is not necessarily a trouble—the important issue is the level or concentration. Are the the levels high plenty to be considered toxic, or are they depression enough to be deemed prophylactic? Call up, sunlight is too a proven carcinogen (skin cancer)—but y'all still become outside and you might fifty-fifty sunbathe. It all comes downwards to dose.

With the exception of chromium, the report ended that the metal concentrations were comfortably within the 'adequate daily allowances' as determined past the researchers via a comparing with accepted h2o and air contagion levels. Basically, you will consume more pb from drinking h2o than you will from applying lipstick. All the same, the study did conclude that farther enquiry into the metallic content of cosmetic products is necessary, particularly with respect to chromium.

Impurities in lipstick are normal, but what's important, as with all chemicals, is the level of impurity. Image source: popo mama / Flickr.

Dominicus creams

While dominicus creams are not officially cosmetics (they are considered to be therapeutics), we volition include them here as their use is and so common, particularly in Australia.

Sunscreens play an important function in protecting our skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays emitted by the sunday. Their apply has been proven to aid foreclose sure pare cancers including melanomas and basal cell carcinomas.

In recent years there has been some business organization about nanoparticles (NP) in sunscreens. This relates specially to zinc oxide (ZnO) and titanium dioxide (TiO₂) nanoparticles and their ability to penetrate the skin to attain cells and the potential toxicity exerted by these chemicals.

The position of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), based on several published papers (up to May 2013) as well as reviews of international government, is that nano-particles are safe. 'Several in vitro and in vivo studies using both animal and homo skin have shown that these NPs do non penetrate the underlying layers of peel, with penetration limited to the stratum corneum. This suggests that systemic absorption is unlikely.'

A further written report published in 2014 establish that when exposed to zinc oxide nanoparticles, homo allowed cells (chosen macrophages) finer absorbed the nanoparticles and broke them down.

Based on current prove, neither TiO2 nor ZnO nanoparticles are probable to cause harm when used as ingredients in sunscreens. In that location are more than risks associated with avoiding suncreams (sunburn, pare cancers) than in that location are posed by nanoparticles.


While the current scientific thinking on many of these chemicals is that they are rubber to employ, it is up to each consumer to make their own decision equally to whether they buy and use a product containing certain ingredients or not. Consumers should also try to purchase reputable brands from established sellers—cheap imports or copies bought online may not have been through the proper testing and assessment procedure and may not contain what they claim to.

In our pursuit of dazzler, it is wise to remember that cosmetics tin can be complex combinations of chemicals. Achieving even a basic agreement of the long chemic names on a product ingredient list—what they are and what they do—tin can go a long style to helping consumers make informed decisions about the products they choose to use—certainly helpful when putting on your best face.


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